I have attained a number of professional counselling qualifications and have subsequently attended and passed training courses for the areas that I have chosen to specialise in.
Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling
Counselling Degree
Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP)
Healing from the Bottom Up: How to help clients access resource states with Peter Levine
Working therapeutically with survivors of sexual abuse
Phase orientated trauma model
Mastering the craft of treating trauma
The essentials of effective trauma treatment: How to go beyond technique
Treating trauma clients at the edge: How brain science can inform interventions
Cultural and historical traumas: Invisible barriers to healing and change
Couples therapy for treating trauma: The Gottman method approach
Overcoming trauma-related shame and self loathing
Anxiety and Depression
Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP)
Calming the Anxious Brain: How to use brain-based strategies to treat anxiety
Effective anxiety treatment with Margaret Wehrenberg
Managing worry and anxiety through mindfulness practices
Mastering the anxiety game: Teaching clients to welcome their fears
Treating anxiety in Children
Disrupting rumination: Changing the cognitions that underlie anxiety and depression
Menopause, memory and mood
Young people's services
Young people, self esteem, sex and sexuality
Image, shame and the teenage brain
Social media and mental health
Adolescent self harm: Working with the whole family